Monday 31 October 2011

Plenty of reasons, ways to ‘sell house quick’

There has been so much attention over the past year paid toward our floundering economy and the housing crisis that has forced so many home owners into difficult spots. Shoot, seems like everywhere I look, whether online, or on TV, or even just driving down the street, there are ads and messages geared toward struggling home owners. It’s like the old newsboys who used to sell papers on the corner, only now they’re shouting, “Sell house quick!” and “Sell house as is– read all about it!”

Although the housing market is still making progress at a turtle’s pace, there are in fact plenty of good reasons to throw your hat into the real estate ring – especially if you happen to be a home owner whose ears perk up when you hear or see the words “Sell house quick” and “Sell house as is.” If you are on the fence about trying to sell a New York house in a down market, here are some facts that might help to nudge you over the top, given your situation…

Circumstances in which to SELL HOUSE QUICK!
Going through a divorce is not the end of the world. It’s no fun – we all know that. But responsible adults are able to (especially if kids are involved) put away the weapons and act reasonably so that all parties involved can move forward. That being said, there are financial ramifications of divorce that can be quite enduring. A home that was purchased with two incomes will likely be difficult to afford on one income. During a time like this, even with a difficult housing market, you’ll save yourself a lot of emotional and financial strain alleviating the burden of an unaffordable mortgage. VERDICT: SELL HOUSE QUICK!

If you happen to be one of the unlucky victims of the recession, you may be struggling with your mortgage. You may owe more than the house is worth or you may not be able to afford the mortgage payments after you and/or your spouse lost a job. The bank can be insistent and while you feel you have no choice but to sell, you don’t need to feel you’re entering the shark tank without a cage. There are, in fact, companies like ours that will help you sell your house for cash. A foreclosure sale is often your best option when it appears there aren’t any options left. VERDICT: SELL HOUSE As Is!

So, maybe in 2002 you were having a great year and you went and bought into the McMansion craze. Maybe you bought a house that you knew was a stretch, financially, but you figured you’d be able to weather the storm and pick up the financial pace as time went on. If it didn’t work out that way, and you now find yourself way underwater with a mortgage that you cannot manage, you don’t have to feel like you are going to get slaughtered at sale. In fact, you’ll be much better off unloading the burden, and then jumping back into the market to pick up a deal of your own. Then, you can start fresh, in a situation that is manageable. VERDICT: SELL HOUSE As Is!

If the words “Sell house quick” and “Sell house house as is” make you turn at attention, then call us here at The Billy Alvaro Group. We can help you figure out what the right move is, and we can put cash in your hand if you truly need to ‘sell house quick.’


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