Friday 25 November 2011

A ‘cash for home’ solution can be the right play

Maybe, you got married in 2005, and you went out and bought a house on the market for, say, $125,000. Chances are that, right now, your house is worth quite a bit less than the money that you owe – and you’re not alone. Now let’s say, for instance, that over the past six years you and your spouse have also been blessed with children. Now, let’s say that, perhaps, either you or your spouse have been downsized at work – or had to take a significant cut in pay. You can see where I’m going with this; you never know how the cards are going to play out. The good thing, though, is that ‘cash for home’ solutions exist for home owners who realize that’s time to make a change.

Many home owners, through no fault of their own, find themselves right now in the position of not being able to manage the mortgage payments they are obligated to pay. When you consider the factors mentioned above, you can see that there is no ‘blame’ or ‘fault’ that needs to be bandied about. Sometimes, well, things just change.

For smart home owners, who understand the need for flexibility and adaptability, the implementation of a ‘cash for home’ solution is not something to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Quite the contrary, the right ‘cash for home’ solution can in fact be the best decision a home owner ever makes. Working with a qualified and top-notch all-cash house buyer, a home owner can get a ‘cash for home’ solution that allows them to escape the burden of an untenable mortgage, and make a fresh start, somewhere else, with mortgage payments that are manageable.

The true shame, in my opinion (as someone who has helped more than 11,000 families make smart real estate decisions), is when folks fail to move forward with a ‘cash for home’ solution because they, somehow, feel like they are selling out, or pawning off their dreams. When folks fail to make sound decisions, because they are ashamed of their plight – that is the TRUE shame, and it usually results in the dissolution of families and lives, and happiness.
The real estate market is what it is, folks. But those who are willing to be honest about their predicament, and those who understand that one person can’t move the ocean, are usually able to think clearly and make smart decisions; such as finding the right ‘cash for home’ solution with which to re-start.

To me, the only shame lies in failing to move or act on decisions that can substantially help home owners and their families to have better lives. A ‘cash for home’ solution, provided by the right all-cash house buyer, CAN AND WILL be the first step toward a new, better arrangement, and a brighter future for you and your family. But you have to bite the bullet, my friend. The fact that things didn’t work out how you planned is, simply, irrelevant. The only thing that matters, now, is how you play the hand you’ve been dealt. If a ‘cash for home Long Island’ solution is your best play, then forget about everything else and make your best play.


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