Monday 21 November 2011

Hesitation is your enemy; you need a fast, ‘sell house as is’ solution

For a lot of struggling home owners, the answer is staring you right in the face...and you know it. You know you need to downsize, and you know you need to downsize soon. Nevertheless, you keep pushing things off, for one reason or another…If you are underwater on your mortgage, and you know that you need to downsize, you need to consider moving quickly with a ‘sell house as is’ solution.

As someone who has been involved in nearly 12,000 real estate transactions over the years, I know that moving quickly with difficult housing decisions can be difficult. Maybe you or your spouse –even acknowledging the need to downsize, and quickly – is hesitant to pull the trigger due to sentimental reasons. Maybe your spouse just keeps saying something to the effect of, ‘I’m just not ready.’ Or, ‘there’s so much stuff to do before we can sell.’

As the top all house buyer in the state of New York, I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen folks make smart decisions, and get out from underneath the weight of an untenable situation; and I’ve seen other folks  – who could easily have corrected their problems by downsizing – fail to do so (for a litany of reasons) and, ultimately, suffer the consequences…

One thing I hear very often, from home owners who validate their hesitation by clinging to this notion, is that there is simply ‘so much that needs to be done’ before their house can be sold.  Sorry, folks, but that’s more than Malarkey; that’s a home owner who is in delusion, and thinking that if they close their eyes their troubles will go away.

If you are struggling with an underwater mortgage, the writing is on the wall; and so is the solution – right in front of your eyes. Working with someone like myself, who has a long and proven track record of getting value for home owners, you can get the ‘sell house as is’ solution you need. The beauty of the ‘sell house as is’ solutions that I offer is this: you can stop rationalizing (even if just in a moment of clarity), stop pretending like your problem does not exist, and cut the cord quickly. It does not matter thje condition of your home; what’s inside of it; what’s outside of it; what works and what does not…The beauty of the ‘sell house as is’ solutions that I provide, is that we go straight to the source, we solve the problem quickly, and you will come away from it with cash in your hand.

It’s never easy to make tough real estate decisions. But, in the long run, you will be so much better off by making the smart play. Unload your burden, call me today for the right ‘sell house as is’ solution, so you can get back to reality, and start creating new memories. ‘Sell house as is’ is not something to think about, here and there; ‘sell house as is’ is something you need to act upon, right now, if you are serious about making the right changes.


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