Wednesday 7 December 2011

‘Cash for home’ offers more relief than you know

I met with a woman, last week, who was pretty much a poster child for what’s wrong, right now, in the real estate market. She was a single mom, working two jobs, and trying to put one of her kids through college. She’s doing everything she can to fulfill her American Dream, but she’s finding the going very tough. She said she owes more on her house than her house is worth, and she seemed to understand clearly the pressing need for some type of way out. But she seemed more than apprehensive when I was explaining the benefits of a quick, ‘cash for home’ solution.

“I don’t want to sell too low,” she kept repeating.
One thing I tell folks when they meet with me to discuss objective and effective solutions to their real estate challenges, is that you should never, right now, be stressing over the fact that you are selling a home at a value that is less than what it was in 2006. 2006 is gone, and it’s not coming back. Like the single mom I met with the other day (who, by the way, eventually saw the light of a ‘cash for home’ fix), many home owners hurt themselves by taking the wrong perspective.

When you choose to move forward with a ‘cash for home’ solution, worrying about the fact that you’re not getting as much as for your house as you paid for is the wrong thing to do. The market is beyond our control, whether we like it or not. But, within our control is the ability to gain the proper perspective; a perspective that can help us to move forward with a positive mindset.

The proper mindset, just like I told the single mom, is to acknowledge how wonderful it is to have the opportunity to get ‘cash for home.’ The glass, in such cases, must be viewed as half-full. When a home owner follows through with a ‘cash for home’ solution, such as those that I offer within my Max Returns system, they not only get the luxury of being freed from underneath the choking weight of an underwater mortgage. They get that, and they get cash in their hand – which is, perhaps, that which cash-strapped home owners need more than anything else.

I know I’ll probably catch some flak for quoting show tunes, but when it comes to the real estate sector, right now, struggling home owners would do well, now more than ever, to “accentuate the positive.” That said, it would be better to approach the right ‘cash for home’ solution as a golden opportunity, rather than a loss. The truth is that there is, often, not a price amount that can match the feeling of being freed of a bad mortgage. It is, literally, priceless. A ‘cash for home’ solution, if you work with someone like myself – with years of experience and a proven track record – can give you that ‘priceless’ freedom, and give you a quick infusion of cash with which to proceed.

A ‘cash for home’ solution, in short, offers more relief that you know. If relief is what you need, take the next step and call me. We can help you work this out…


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